Blogs & Features

The Motherland in Despair

September 14, 2021

The Kilimanjaro

August 1, 2020

The St. Lucia Renaissance

Presented at Vieux Fort Nobel Laureate Literary Night, 2017

Castries and the St. Lucia Renaissance

Presented at 6th St. Lucia Studies Conference, 2016

Cultural Products as Public Goods

Presented at 16th Triennial ACLALS) Conference, 2013

Derek Walcott: The Prodigal

The Jako, Summer/Fall 2005

The Life and Art of Dunstan St. Omer

The Jako, Summer/Fall 2005

On Writing and the Creative Process

Presented at Castries Central Public Library, April 22, 2002

The Pearl of the Caribbean

reprinted from The Voice, 2017

Who Runs Vieux Fort

reprinted from The Voice, 2015

St. Lucia’s Men of the Century

The Jako, Winter/Spring 2005

Federation, Integration, & CSME

The Jako, Spring 2005

A School Waiting to be Rescued

Reprinted from The Mirror, October/November 2000

Death of an Illusion

Reprinted from The Voice, July 29, 2000

The Taming of Vieux Fort

Reprinted from The Mirror, June 2000

The Making of Shantytown

Reprinted from The Voice, November 2001

The Diseconomies of Poverty

Reprinted from The Voice, 2002

CSME, Culture & Economics

Reprinted from The Mirror, June 2000

Academic Journals

A Latent Variable Approach to Modeling Consumer Perception of Orange Juice (with Gao & Lee).
Agribusiness: An International Journal 9(1993) 317-324.

Analyzing Fresh Vegetable Consumption from Household Survey Data
Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 22(1990)31-38.

Testing for Causality between Advertising Expenditures and Canadian Demand for Cheese and Butter (with Mcfaul & Goddard)
Agribusiness: An International Journal, 7 (1991) 197-202.

Testing and Correcting for Distributional Misspecifications in the Tobit model: An Application of the Information Matrix Test (with Shonkwiler)
Empirical Economics, 16(1991)313-323

Structural Change in Canadian Meat Demand (with Goddard).
Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 39 (1991)211-22

A Structural Equation Approach to Measuring Technological Change: An Application to Southeastern U.S. Agriculture (with Gao)
Journal of Productivity Analysis, 5 (1994) 123-139

Conference Presentations

Cultural Products as Public Goods
16th Triennial ACLALS (Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies) Conference
Gros Islet, St. Lucia, August 5-9, 2013.

An Economic Analysis of Willingness to Pay for Local Public Coin Placed Calls
11th Annual International Telecommunications Forecasting Conference
Crystal City, Virginia, June, 1993.

An Econometric Model of Access Demand: An Application of the Translog Input Demand System
Presented at the 12th Annual International Telecommunications Forecasting Conference
Boston, Massachusetts, June 1994.

An Econometric Model of Customer Perception of Southwestern Bell.
12th Annual International Telecommunications Forecasting Conference
Boston, Massachusetts, June 1994.

An Analysis of the Impact of Promotional Channels on OCP Take-Rate and IntraLATA Toll Revenues
13th Annual International Telecommunications Forecasting Conference
Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 1995.

Modeling Demand for Non-Published number Messaging: An Application of the Double-Bounded Logit Model
14th Annual International Telecommunications Forecasting Conference
Dallas, Texas, April 1996

Usage Sensitive Study of Auto Redial and Call Return: An Application of the Seemingly Unrelated Poisson Regression Model.
16th Annual International Telecommunications Forecasting Conference
St. Louis, MO, June 1998.